
Clear Feedback


Feedback is kind when it’s clear.

The Details

Feedback conversations can be challenging. If feedback is given off the cuff, it can sting. If feedback is long winded, the point might be missed. But when feedback conversations are avoided, one might fail to see where they can improve. Working relationships and work performance suffer. 

In this 2-hour engaging workshop, you will learn tips and practice frameworks to deliver both positive and developmental feedback to colleagues. The overarching goal is to gain clarity, so these frameworks provide a roadmap of how to structure feedback to be direct, intentional, and open to new perspectives. This class fosters better working relationships, trust and collaboration between colleagues to make feedback conversations an ongoing, regular habit.


  • Mindset when Receiving Feedback - See a video example, diagnose what makes receiving feedback difficult, and learn how to get curious about feedback you receive. 

  • Frameworks for Feedback Conversations - Apply frameworks to a current situation at work. These frameworks will help you not only structure your specific feedback but also ensure that you check your intentions and avoid assumptions (issues that often derail feedback conversations).

  • Practice Delivering Feedback - Participants practice giving feedback and then receive feedback on how they delivered it. 

Workshop Size & Format

  • Up to 15 participants

  • 2 hour group workshop

  • Held virtually via Zoom, hybrid, or in person